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2022 Dynamic Connections Masters

The Dynamic Connections Green (fairway and rough) Team teed up together for our Dynamic Masters Golf Tournament!

After a rain cancellation that kept us off the links in August, the team was eager and ready to get swinging and putting on Sunday.

Thank you to Trafalgar Golf & CC for hosting, to all of our partners for their generous prize donations, and to the Dynamic social committee for game planning another sub/over par team building event!

Although all teams scored even at FUN, Congratulations to our winning team of Sandy, Michael, James and Zack with a team score of -4.

Bowling Night

The Dynamic Team with talent to spare; & strike! A great evening of wins, cheers, food, and laughs making up for lost team building time. Like bowling pins, we always get back up together. Congratulations to Tom and his team win and Zack with the high score. #Xs&/s #WhoDoYouThinkYouAreWEARE #DynamicConnections #LogisticsSolutions


Dynamic Green team @ ACTIVATE, competing with/for/vs one another while getting active.

Dynamic Connections World Cup

In the spirit of teamwork, exercise for physical and mental health, and scoring goals for hard fought wins: Dynamic Connections World Cup of Soccer/Football Event.

In honor of our Canadian Women’s Team winning the Olympic Gold Medal. Best in the world!
Our Canadian Men’s National Team qualifying for our first World Cup in 36 years!

Dynamic Connections Poker Championship

Thank you Dynamic Team for a fun night of poker, laughs, and winning.

Congratulations to Justin for taking home the inaugural Dynamic Connections Poker Championship!

Great job runner-up and silver medalist Zack, and to the 3rd place/bronze medal Colm/Thomas!

A BIG Thank you to Raj & Saini Logistic Solutions for the catering of pizza, wings, and drinks.

New World

New world
As we all face a new world, with masks and social distancing the norm, the Dynamic Connections team has endeavored to remain connected. This week at our Friday huddle, each teammate proudly wore their new Dynamic Connections shirt. We are privileged to have a great group of co-workers and the opportunity to help our customers each day.

F45 vs Green Team


At the beginning of March, the Dynamic Connections Team got together at the F45 Training Facility in Oakville and took part in the F45 Training workout.  It was great to see the team out there pushing themselves.


The F45 Training workout is design to push your personal limits during each of the 17 exercises.  You have roughly 55 seconds to push you limits and complete as much as you possibly can.   In our Industry, we deal with this scenario daily.  Short time frames while pushing for results.  We live on the saying “minutes and seconds” and this was easy to apply to our F45 outing.  Even when you thought you weren’t going to make it, a team member stepped in with encouragement to help you push through and get the job done.  We all completed the workout and felt our hard work for the next coming days. 😊


Great Job Green Team.

The Green Team Gets Muddy

On a chilly Sunday morning on September 15th a group of our Green Team members got together to compete in Tough Mudder’s 2019 Toronto 5K course at Christie Lake Conservation.

Staying true to our company’s roots, we communicated effectively and worked together to overcome some of our greatest fears.
Whether it was climbing a 45 foot cargo net tower, crawling in deep mud under barbed wire, running up a slippery ¼ pipe wall,  or running through a collection of live wires sending out 10,000 volts of electricity – we not only helped our own team, but also total strangers through each obstacle, making new friends along the way – The Green Team way!

It’s not every day you get to meet your work colleagues on a military style obstacle course covered in mud – we rose to the challenge, and in turn deepened our internal relationships further.
No man or woman were left behind!

Green Team Volleyball

Another amazing night for the Dynamic Connections Team.

Wednesday night, 20 of the Dynamic Connections staff got together at Tansley Woods in Burlington to share a bite to eat and play a friendly and fun Volley Ball Tournament. Having everyone come out after-hours shows the dedication of the Dynamic Team. Our success with our customer is a consequence of proactive teamwork, extensive communication, and being responsive to any challenge that is presented. Similar to the game of Volleyball, this proved to show that without these qualities, it was impossible to succeed. Getting the opportunity to work with a team that we may not work with so closely on a daily basis was even more enjoyable because building those internal relationships is key to our success. The hard work, the extra efforts, and the sheer dedication to make the play and win was clear to see with all teams. When you communicate and work together you win.

Great Job Green Team.

Bowling Night

Bowling Night

At Dynamic Connections, we operate in a highly competitive industry. We understand that in order to thrive in such a competitive environment perseverance, innovation, diligence is key to success. In order to demonstrate this principle, our team at Dynamic Connection competed against each other in a team building activity.

Four Teams team took part in a team building activity at Splitsville Entertainment in Burlington, ON. Individuals in the four separate groups competed against each other to claim bragging rights to be the Group Champion. The four group Champions representing each group faced-off in a final showdown that ultimately resulted in Kishor Sripalan claiming the Title- Champion of Champions.

Likewise, in the freight world, there is plenty of competition, but only a few stand out as Champions. We at Dynamic Connections are Champion of Champions.